Dive into the heart of Rawdon’s history
A history to be shared
The Société d’histoire de Rawdon was created and developed by passionate people who want to promote the rich history of our municipality. Beyond the natural attractions that make the town a favourite destination, Rawdon stands out thanks to a unique cultural diversity. In the 19th and 20th centuries, when upheavals hit Europe, the municipality became a new home to many immigrants seeking refuge. Still today, more than 40 cultural communities live here together harmoniously.
Ce site a pour mission de retracer l’évolution de Rawdon à travers diverses facettes. Vous y découvrirez non seulement les origines du village, mais aussi des thématiques spécifiques : familles fondatrices, patrimoine bâti, culture, sport, tourisme, nature, et bien sûr, les communautés culturelles qui y ont prospéré. Un voyage fascinant à partager ensemble.
Rawdon in a nutshell
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