The following pages of the Société d'histoire de Rawdon website present the exhibit entitled:

This exhibit will be held on weekends, from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., from March 2 to 30, 2025 (except March 22), at the Centre d’interprétation multiethnique de Rawdon (3688 Metcalfe Street, Rawdon). It pays tribute to the significant contribution of Irish immigrants to the settlement of Rawdon, highlights their rich heritage and outlines their presence here yesterday and today. This project is a collaboration between the Société d’histoire de Rawdon, historian Simon Jolivet and the Municipality of Rawdon for the Saint Patrick’s Day 2025 festivities.
The Société d’histoire de Rawdon website provides not only the content of the exhibit, but also a wealth of additional information. Website:
Here are the themes covered in the exhibit with the corresponding links:
Theme no. 1 : The Origins of Rawdon
Theme no. 2 : A Little Ireland in Rawdon
Theme no. 3 : The Irish Occupy the Territory After 1820
Theme no. 4 : Early Censuses and Population Diversity
Thème n°5 : Protestant Parish Life
Thème n°6 : Catholic Parish Life
Thème n°8 : Economic Life and Early Commercial Success
Thème n°9 : The Irish and Community Life
Thème n°10 : The Food and Daily Life of the Irish
The research team behind this exhibit used numerous sources of information to document its content. First and foremost, they drew on their own websites, publications and personal archives, which include:
- Société d’histoire de Rawdon :
- Blagrave Prudhomme, Beverly : Rawdon History website
- Parkinson, Daniel, Up to Rawdon - Part One and Part Two
- Jolivet, Simon, Le vert et le bleu — Identité québécoise et identité irlandaise au tournant du XXe siècle, Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, 2011
Numerous government agency websites were consulted, including the following:
- Bibliothèque et Archives nationales du Québec (Library and National Archives of Quebec)
- Library and Archives Canada
- Greffe de l’arpenteur-général du Québec (Registry of the Surveyor General of Quebec)
- Registre foncier du Québec (Land Register of Quebec)
Reference books on the history of Rawdon were also used, particularly the following:
- Brady, Gérard, My village, 1995
- Brady, Gérard, Une bien belle histoire / Rawdon: A Human Mosaic, 1987
- Collective, Sur la route des souvenirs : gens du chemin Kildare et des environs, 2014
- Fournier, Marcel, Rawdon :175 ans d’histoire, Joliette, 1974.
It should be noted that Marcel Fournier’s book is also available in electronic format on this website.
The contributions of other history buffs, such as Yves Forest, Clément Locat and Guillaume Petit (Chroniques anachroniques website), are also worthy of note.
Although the Société d’histoire de Rawdon has taken all the necessary measures to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this exhibit, it is always possible that clarifications may need to be made or errors corrected. Should any omissions or errors be found, please let us know. The Société d’histoire de Rawdon will make the required corrections.
The Team
Exhibit produced by the Société d’histoire de Rawdon for the Saint Patrick's Day 2025 festivities, with the participation of historian Simon Jolivet. Concept Simon Jolivet, historian, content manager France Pontbriand, Chair, Société d’histoire de Rawdon Michel Léonard, Vice-Chair, Société d’histoire de Rawdon Beverly Blagrave Prud’Homme, author and member, Société d’histoire de Rawdon Daniel Parkinson, author and board member, Société d’histoire de Rawdon Gilbert Bourgeois, Treasurer, Société d’histoire de Rawdon Andréanne Goulet, Head, LC Arts, Culture and Community Division, Municipality of Rawdon Language editing and translation Victoria Locke, translation Nathalie Longpré, revision Danielle Rose, revision Graphic design Geneviève Champoux, graphic designer, Unimage Julie Deschênes, Design Ad Litteram Special thanks to these individuals and organizations for their support: Alain Lépine, technicien de son Henri Tessier, vernissage Thibault Chamot, Canadiana Village, scenography Centre d’interprétation multiethnique AQDR, video and movie shooting |
For more information, please contact us:
Telephone: (514) 605-6809