The Methodist Church, now known as the United Church of Canada

The Methodist Church was officially established in Rawdon on July 21, 1838. The ever-increasing number of English-speaking Methodist settlers justified the opening of a chapel of this faith. Reverend Ingoll had a wooden chapel built at the corner of 4_ th Avenue and Queen Street and started keeping church records.

Known first as the Wesleyan Methodist Congregation of Rawdon, this first Methodist church served a group of about 200 congregants. As in the case of the other Rawdon churches, this chapel was built on an unpatented lot. On May 15, 1847, Reverend William Foster and his trustees purchased from the Government a two-acre lot located on the present site of the United Church. This enabled him to obtain formal titles to the land.

The wooden chapel was used until 1895, when it became obsolete and damaged and was replaced by a new red brick church built on the same site. The church served the needs of the congregation until 1924, when the Methodist church joined with the Presbyterian and Congregational churches to become the United Church of Canada.