Launched in June 2022, this website aims to document the history of the Municipality of Rawdon. It is constantly evolving as research progresses. It contains over a hundred pages and articles, which can be accessed via one of three menus.
A "main" menu under the Societé's logo and above the blue banner containing the titles of all articles.
A "top bar/header" menu at the very top of the screen.
A "footer" menu in a black banner at the bottom of all site pages.
The main menu
The main menu provides access to the research information gathered on the history of Rawdon. For ease of access, the information is grouped under five main headings:
A Contact section providing contact information to reach La Société d'histoire de Rawdon
A Reference section identifying books and authors providing information regading the history of Rawdon
A section Site Map which includes this description of the site's structure, as well as the following diagram, which served as the basis for the research work.
Basic diagram
As the weeks and months go by, we'll be adding historical information on the various themes presented in this diagram, and updating the site.
How to find information on the site
To find information, simply click on the thematic tabs at the top of the page (e.g., Our heritage) and choose a subject from the drop-down menus.
Another way to find information is to click on the magnifying glass at the end of the main menu/thematic tabs and type in a keyword; or use the "Search" button and enter a keyword.
A References page, accessible from the footer menu or simply by clicking on the word References or in tthe sub-title above, provides a list of key reference documents relating to Rawdon's history.
If you would like to join the team, contact us: